Aseptic Sampling Valve
Aseptic sampling valve system: System applicable to many substances, viscosities in the food and chemical industries, dairies, breweries, waterworks, swimming pools for reference detection of existing germs, chemical contamination, etc.
Recommended by experts – desired by employers’ liability insurance associations!
Proven tens of thousands of times! THE reference system.
Sterile sampling from pipelines or tank facilities
- ideal for step controls
- State-of-the-art process technology
- Operating temperature up to 200°C
- Operating pressure up to 50 bar
- fast – safe – clean – aseptic
- for many viscous substances for sampling and inoculation from pipelines and tanks
The right valve for every application!
The tried-and-tested sample valve® made of stainless materials was specially developed for harsh operation in the dairy and food industries. It can withstand all acids, alkalis, disinfectants and temperatures up to 200°C. The diaphragm, which is made of a special rubber-rubber alloy, is so elastic that it closes absolutely safely after each test. Only after about 40 samplings is the membrane simply replaced with a new one.