Chlorine Test Strip for checking Chlorine Sanitising Solutions
High concentration solutions are widely used in hospital infection control and food processing facilities.
With the emergence of COVID-19 virus cleanliness and hygiene is at the forefront of everybodies thoughts.
Sanitising solutions for disinfection at suitable concentrations have been proven to inactivate and destroy harmful germs from nonliving or inert surfaces.
The effectiveness of each product to destroy different types of harmful germs is dependant on the disinfecting agent, chemical concentration and contact time.
Chlorine bleach – Sodium Hypochlorite is widely used as an effective and inexpensive disinfectant.
Sodium Hypochlorite which is the active ingredient in Chlorine decomposes over time for example a 16% solution degrades in a few minutes while a 3% solution can last for months.
The CDC and WHO recommend two levels of Chlorine bleach dilution for disinfection tasks in Hospitals and high risk environments 0.05% (500ppm) and 0.5% (5000ppm) free available Chlorine, assuming a start base strength of at least 5% available chlorine.
Gross contamination of an area requires an area to be pre-cleaned as well as a pre-disinfection using 0.5% 5000ppm. Final disinfection applied after cleaning the surface and solution to be left in contact with the area for 10mins.
General cleaning of surfaces and equipment requires a 0.05% 500ppm Chlorine Bleach Solution with 1min wet contact for disinfection.
Testing is the only reliable method to assure the desired disinfection strength of a prepared chlorine solution is achieved and maintained
LABTEK services can supply a wide range of Chlorine Test Strips – Sodium Hypochlorites test strips with ranges for 0-1000ppm and 0 -10000ppm.
These strips can be purchased from our online shop with courier fees starting at £4.95