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Disposable PPE

Disposable PPE is widely used in many working environments, when working with hazardous or harmful substances or too protect the product being handled such as in the Food and Beverage Industry this require employees to wear PPE, and sometimes disposable workwear is the most appropriate selection.

The recent pandemic has brought to the forefront the need for using PPE and more specifically disposable workwear, hospitals and medicals facilities throughout the UK and the World have seen a extreme demand for disposable workwear so that the spread of the COVID virus is reduced and limited.

The high demand for PPE in recent months has limited the availability to industries also using PPE such as food and beverage,hospitality, motor repairs, chemical and asbestos removal. Traditional items of PPE do not require specialist cleaning in order for them to be rendered safe to wear and having a supply of disposable workwear is useful for situations where laundry costs would be high such as when protecting visitors or when frequent changes are required to reduce contamination in the food processing industry.