Allergen Surface Testing for 8 of the most common Allergens
Allergen surface testing using the LAB2GO kit provides all the equipment you need in comprehensive kit format. The PROTEON Express allergen test strips for surfaces included in the kit can be kept at room temperature and provide a test result in 10mins.
Flexible Test Kit Format to meet your needs
Milk DUO(β-lactoglobulin and casein): 0.7 μg
Egg: 0.25 μg
Gluten: 1 μg
Soy: 0.7 μg
Fish: 0.25 μg
Crustaceans: 4 μg
Almond: 0.9 μg
Hazelnut: 1 μg
Walnut: 0.5 μg
Test strips supplied in vials of 10 strips.
Why use the LAB2GO Allergen Testing Kit.
Do you want to verify the cleanings between productions of shared lines?
Are you implementing an IFS, BRC, ISO 22000 2005 quality standard?
Have you considered doing controls but do not know how to approach it?
Do you work with allergenic ingredients in powder and can you have post-cleaning contamination?
Test Procedure of the Proteon Express Allergen Test Strips supplied in the LAB2GO Kit
The test procedure couldn’t be simpler
Internal validation following international guidelines:
Appendix M: Validation Procedures for Quantitative. Food Allergen ELISA Methods: Community Guidance and Best Practices. AOAC 2012 (
Appendix F: Guidelines for Standard Method Performance Requirements. Official Methods of Analysis (2016), AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Rockville, MD, USA ( )
Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPRs®) for Detection and Quantitation of Selected Food Allergens. AOAC SMPR 2016.002. AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Rockville, MD, USA ( ).
Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPRs®) for Quantitation of Milk by ELISA-Based Methods. AOAC SMPRs® 2018.003 ( )
Galan-Malo et al. (2019). Development of a novel duplex lateral flow test for simultaneous detection of casein and β-lactoglobulin in food. Food Control (293) 41-48.
Galan-Malo et al. (2017) Detection of egg and milk residues on working surfaces by ELISA and lateral flow immunoassays test. Food Control (74) 45-53.
Supporting bibliography for the validation of antibodies and the extraction methods of food samples:
by Luis et al. (2008) Evaluation of indirect competitive and double antibody sandwich ELISA tests to determine β-lactoglobulin and ovomucoid in model processed foods. Food and Agricultural Immunology, 19: 339-350.
Regulation (EU) No. 1169/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of October 25, 2011, on the food information provided to the consumer and amending Regulations (EC) No. 1924/2006 and (EC) No. 1925 / 2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council, and repealing Directive 87/250 / EEC of the Commission, Directive 90/496 / EEC of the Council, Directive 1999/10 / EC of the Commission, Directive 2000 / 13 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, Directives 2002/67 / EC, and 2008/5 / EC of the Commission, and Commission Regulation (EC) no 608/2004 Relevant text for EEA purposes.