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BT Scan Strip detection of beta lactams and tetracyclines-25 Tests

£87.55 ex. VAT

BT Scan Strip is a one-step competitive immunochromatographic test for a qualitative detection of β-lactams (β) and tetracyclines (T) in milk.

  • Scope: detection of beta-lactams and tetracyclines in milk
  • Assay time: one-step assay of a 6-minutes.
  • Results: visual or automatic interpretation with IRIS reader and automatic sending of results (Wifi / Bluetooth / 4G)
  • Format: 25 or 100 cassettes
  • Incubator Required – Items INC-DELVO-12 or ZEIRIS Incubator & Reader Recommended

In stock (can be backordered)


BT Scan Strip Rapid Antibiotic Milk Test

BT Scan Strip helps you to easily identify in just 6 minutes if the milk tank is contaminated with beta-lactams or tetracyclines upon the truck arrival at the plant. Once the operator runs the test at the reception, or even on the truck, the results will be automatically received in-real time allowing to make quick decisions.
Antibiotic analysis at the farm helps avoiding industry penalties. Just by adding a drop of milk you can check the tank in a few minutes before it is collected. In addition, the automatic reading of the results with IRIS reader will allow you to share them with personal at the processing plant to daily guarantee the quality of your milk.

3 Easy Steps – Sample> Incubate> Read

BT Scan Strip Test Procedure

The Milk Sample is added to the reagent tube using a 200ul pipette, add the Test Strip and incubate using a dry block incubator. After 6mins at 40deg C Read the strip visually or using an IRIS Strip Reader.


Internal validation: According to ISO 13969:2003.


Commission Regulation (EU) No 37/2010 of 22 December 2009 on pharmacologically active substances and their classification regarding maximum residue limits in foodstuffs of animal origin.