Since 2003 there has been a rapid and continued development in ATP Bioluminescence.
ATP Hygiene monitoring has been traditionally used for the verification of cleaning where it measures low level residual organic contamination. The most recent ATP System development ENSURE with SuperSnap was evaluated by Campden BRI and compared with other leading ATP Systems. The ENSURE device showed improved sensitivity and improved tolerance to harsh samples and chemicals 5 times more resistant to acid and 10times more resistant to akali than UltrSnap and is totally resistant to 1000ppm hypochlorite.
The enhanced sensitivity of SuperSnap makes it suitbale for high care cleaning verification and in the support of allergen cleaning programs where it has shown to detect food residues below those detectable by specific allergen tests.
Hence a super ATP test provides better evidence of cleaning verification than specific allergen tests and is more cost effective.
Allergen Testing – Method Comparison
Foodstuff Method 1 Method 2 Method 3 Method 4
SuperSnap+EnSure SuperSnap+SS+ AllerSnap Allergen Test ELISA
Milk Powder 10ppm 100ppm 10ppm 2.5-10ppm
Wheat 100ppm 100ppm 10ppm 5-75ppm
Egg Whites 1000ppm 1000ppm 1ppm 4-25ppm