Hygiena’s UltraSnap ATP Test received Performance Tested MethodSM certification from the AOAC-RI on the new EnSURE™ Touch luminometer, demonstrating the system’s sensitivity, reliability, and robust operation. The certification is a modification of Hygiena’s existing AOAC-RI certification of the UltraSnap using the EnSURE luminometer.
Data submitted to the AOAC demonstrates the system to have a high level of sensitivity with a limit of detection of 1.28 femtomoles of ATP and a high degree of consistency and accuracy.
The EnSURE Touch is a next-generation ATP monitoring system that also collects, analyses, and reports data from multiple quality tests such as water quality, indicator microorganisms, and process indicators (residual enzyme activity). The system provides a multi-functional tool for monitoring quality and safety parameters in food safety, healthcare, and other industries.
Hygiena UltraSnap system has consistently outperformed other ATP systems when data from other independent reports are compared.