ENSURE TOUCH – ATP Hygiene Monitoring
LABTEK Services is very pleased to announce the launch of the latest ATP luminometer from Hygiena.
LABTEK Services has been supplying and supporting the Hygiena range for over 15years and firmly believe the ENSURE TOUCH will revolutionise the ATP Hygiene Monitoring industry.
The ENSURE TOUCH introduces the first luminometer with touch screen display and android style icons and interface which will feel very familiar to anybody that has used a smartphone.
The easy to use interface enable the user to quickly set-up new users, test locations and test plans.
What will set the ENSURE TOUCH apart from its competitors is the units unique connectivity to WI-FI and CLOUD software which will enable organisations with mulitple locations to view data from a single location and quickly build an overview of the organisations cleanliness levels and pathogen detection.
The complete hygiena range can be tested on the ENSURE TOUCH including:-
ATP hygiene devices UltraSnap & SuperSnap
Allergen Screening Device SuperSnap
Rapid Pathogen Detection devices MicroSnap which provides results in under 8hrs for total viable counts, Coliforms, E-Coli and Enteros.
LABTEK Services can offer full technical support and after-sales including service, repair and calibration.
Trade-ins are available on older model SystemSure Plus & ENSURE instruments, please contact us for a quotation