by labtekservices | 2 January 2019 | Pasteurisation Test Dairy, Dairy Analyser, Dairy Product Testing
MPA-D FT-NIR Dairy Analyser LABTEK Services are very pleased to announce Bruker Optics have selected LABTEK Services to fully support the Bruker Lactolyser MIRA Dairy Analyser in the UK as well as promoting and supporting the Bruker Dairy range of FT-NIR & NIR... by labtekservices | 10 January 2017 | Pasteurisation Test Dairy
LABTEK Services is pleased to announce the improved ZymoSnap ALP Dairy Test is now available. The ZymoSnap ALP pasteurisation dairy test is a very simple and easy to use test with test results now available in 5mins. The ZymoSnap Test has been previously validated at... by labtekservices | 13 January 2016 | Pasteurisation Test Dairy
Pasteurisation Test – ZymoSnap Officially Validated at Campden BRI against Gold Standard. The verification of pasteurization is a legal requirement, and the measurement of active alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is the industry standard, which ensures that milk products are...