by Labtek Services | 13 September 2022 | Dairy Product Testing
LABTEK Services provide various products and services to support every need of your dairy industry microbiology testing process. We know that microbes are present everywhere around us. They may be harmless or may be a reason for contamination or health related... by labtekservices | 3 December 2021 | Dairy Product Testing, Microbiology Testing
Dairy Product Testing – High Care Area LABTEK Services is pleased to announce that one of its suppliers, Qlip, has put a new pre-treatment area for microbiological analysis into operation in its dairy laboratory. This is known as the High Care Area and is... by labtekservices | 2 July 2021 | Dairy Product Testing, Antibiotic Residue Testing in Milk
Antibiotics in Milk Testing – the Milk Supply Chain In August 2015 the Food Standards Agency FSA issued guidance on testing of milk for antibiotic residues which provided information for the milk supply chain on best practice for the detection of antibiotics in raw... by labtekservices | 23 June 2021 | Dairy Product Testing
Measuring Titratable Milk Acidity in Dairy Products The HI84529-01 uses methods based on AOAC International and Standard Methods for the Examination of Dairy Products. Both of these methods report titratable milk acidity as % lactic acid and a conversion factor is... by labtekservices | 18 March 2021 | Antibiotic Residue Testing in Milk, Dairy Product Testing
The Eclipse FARM 4G test and COMET Incubator & Strip Reader, both developed and manufactured by Zeulab, has been recently validated and certified by the AOAC-RI (Association Of Official Analytical Collaboration – Research Institute) to detect antibiotics in raw... by labtekservices | 5 October 2020 | Dairy Product Testing, Antibiotic Residue Testing in Milk
Milk Antibiotic Tests for the UK Dairy Farm Huge fines face dairy farmers when antibiotics are detected in a farms milk destined for human consumption. In countries throughout Europe , there is a long history of self-monitoring for these residues on the farm. In many...