The keystone to any dairy laboratory is the dairy analyser. Depending on the product type being manufactured will often determine the modern technology being used Filter IR, FTIR, FT-NIR, NIR each has its advantages and disadvantages but one thing they all have in common is the need to be calibrated and monitored.
Frequently thousands of pounds have been spent acquiring the latest technology but all to often the analyser is not maintained with users assuming the instrument is OK.
Every dairy analyser is installed with factory settings and pre-set data but over time this information will change for a number of reasons including internal and external influences. The introduction of control samples enables the user to monitor the analyser and identify changes or potential problems before they occur.
Following calibration the ISO recommends that control charts are utilised to monitor the analyser daily, but this can only be achieved with an accurate control sample that can be trusted.
The QLIP control samples offers the user a low measurement of uncertainty (+/-0.01% Fat & Protein) and enables the operator to have confidence that the analyser is reading accurately and optimizing accuracy on the analyser.
LABTEK Services can supply a wide range of milk, cream, whey, goats milk control samples ranging from low level skim 0.05% to 48% double cream. We can also offer customised samples on request with specific parameters to meet the demands of your dairy processing site – current projects include skim milk concentrate, whey protein concentrate samples and 52% Fat Cream Samples.